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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Why would licensed racers go on demo servers? It's a trollfest.

Because we care and want to help new players, My intro to LFS back in the whenever was thanks to a long since gone racer who encouraged, shared setups, and supported newbs to become better racers.

I still visit Aussi demo servers to try to do the same.

(OMG, what a w@#* that sounded like....)

Still, help learners as that grows the racing base Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

"Are we the same species as that ?
NO !"

Not the best episode, probably the first, that didn't work and got edited....

Still, lots of LOLZ. And I want a Alfa quadro thingy wot ever plz....




And, SO1E11, France, lets bugger around in the rain with French Cars.......
14 types of reverse gear.........
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I've just been enjoying the whole #FAKE NEWS joke for the last few months.....

But, given the complete farce that is the 'Mainstream News Media' (All the News your programmed to believe) this one was just too funny to pass over......

"On Tuesday night, BuzzFeed News published an explosive, yet completely unverified, dossier alleging that President-elect Donald Trump engaged in a whole host of, shall we say unusual, sexual activities in Moscow."
Here you are...

# Here's the punchline.

What’s worth talking about, however, are swirling claims on Reddit that 4chan users on the board /pol/ completely made the entire thing up. According to a variety of posts on the pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald, a user on /pol/, a 4chan board, made up the most salacious story in the report. He then mailed it to anti-Trump Republican strategist Rick Wilson, who then went to the CIA. The story was then included on the dossier published Tuesday by BuzzFeed News.

If this is true, this effectively means that 4chan trolled the U.S. intelligence system and the majority of the U.S. media with what’s basically Donald Trump erotic fanfiction, which is terrifying.

# It Gets Better !!!!!!!

John McCain ( A US Traitor; An audio recording has surfaced proving that U.S. Senator John McCain collaborated with the North Vietnamese by recording a “Tokyo Rose”-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969.
For many years, American former P.O.W.s who were in the “Hanoi Hilton” North Vietnamese prison with John McCain called him a “Songbird” who collaborated with the enemy against his own country. They accused him of turning against them and against his own country in exchange for preferential treatment while many of the actually brave and honorable American P.O.W.s endured torture and denial of medical care and food for refusing to collaborate. The P.O.W.s branded McCain a traitor who was no hero, but nonetheless used his fake hero status to rise to political power.)

# Back to the story, "Senator John McCain passed documents to the FBI director, James Comey, last month alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow and that Russian intelligence had personally compromising material on the president-elect himself."

It pays to remember what you are programmed to believe, and, for those of you who missed it here you are....

Israel; - Your BFF, may commit genocide.

Democrats; - Your BFF, don't ask any questions.

Russia; Mortal enemy - Killed Bambi.

Trump; Also killed Bambi.

Brexit; - Evil, Do not leave the EU.

Minor bit players;
If they buy your weapons - SIDE OF GOOD.
If they don't buy your weapons - EVIL SCUM.

There you go Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
First: This game or all games ?

If it's a dedicated PC for LFS/sim racing then the P5K with the Q6600 would be sweet, the Q6600 will OC in that board to 3Ghz min, sell the HD7770 for whatever and put the difference into a Nvidia 1050 or similar.
That will do most/all racing sims at 50fps or better and if this is for a sim racing rig then that will be fine.

Second: If it's a general gaming rig then no..........

If you can clarify your requirements then that would help with advice.

(Currently running a Xeon 5430 OC to 3.2 in a ASUS P5KR with a Nvidia 580. this is fine for all my sim racing and general gaming. ( Dirt Rally, Automobilista, LFS(LOL, 200 FPS) and RBR )
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Aust Smile

Ping is the second column on multiplayer/show server.

There are a few Aust/NZ servers but they are fairly empty. If you sort by ping (left mouse button, ping ) then that will show the better servers. Try not to go online with a ping greater than 250 ( Welcome to Australasia ) until you have online experience. Nubbin's is great to practice Blackwood, I suggest playing there for a while to get experience.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
If your trying online then nubbins AU cruise demo will have bots cruising, thats good for you to get used to traffic, there isn't much online down here sadly. If you try racing on American or Euro servers then check your ping. Some servers are ok, others just ban you from being from the Southern Hemosphere.

Welcome to the game and feel free to ask any questions here, most of use are fairly friendly. Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from k_badam :why u call it track and field? that is nub name for it

"The name is derived from the sport's typical venue: a stadium with an oval running track enclosing a grass field where the throwing and jumping events take place."

Is that clear enough ? Face -> palm

Well done MousemanLV, all the best for your 2017. Thumbs up
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the info. We'll sort that out.

More info about Tokelau for anyone interested:

Many thanks Scrawen, the UN asked us to assist them so just doing my bit. Smile
2016 - A Year in review
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Post your own highlights of a very momentous year..

Here are mine....

Trump - The US grew a pair and refused to support Hillary's criminal future.

Brexit - The UK grew a pair and told the EU where to go.

'Fake News' The death of the mainstream media....
"“Trump kept saying, ‘We’re in a room of liars, the deceitful, dishonest media who got it all wrong.’ He addressed everyone in the room, calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars,” the source said."

The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump administration.

Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well."

(NZ) John Key buggered off to play golf with his BFF Obama.

New (NZ) PM has no idea what Feminism is... (YES !!! )

Microsofts new AI grows a pair and trolls hard. Omg omg omg

No Mans Sky...........

The Grand Tour.

Israel declares war on NZ.... Rofl

And, Youtube.... Yes, you did phuq it all up but then you brought us people like this. Smile

The Young Turks melt down...
( Just watch Ana Kasparian, yup her... The woman of Armenian descent standing as a Young Turk, just check your history over that one....)

Sargon of Akkad:

And finally, all the fun on this forum, thanks to the Dev's and have a great 2017 all.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
They are bringing in 10 foot snow drifts and a new driver aid, whisky. !
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
Tokelau we have as a New Zealand territory, so inherited its value from NZ.

Tokelau is a free and democratic nation with elections every three years. In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly designated Tokelau a non-self-governing territory.[7] However, Tokelau is officially referred to as a nation by both the New Zealand government and the Tokelauan government.

Tokelau has the smallest economy of any country in the world. Tokelau has an annual purchasing power of about US$1,000 (€674) per capita. The government is almost entirely dependent on subsidies from New Zealand.

Most households own 5 or more pigs.

So, could we look at some sort for of pig based currency exchange for Tokelau, perhaps a rasher of bacon or ham ? /s

That is in jest but it does highlight some of this rich/poor divide for game pricing. There are issues with any system, an example here would be exchange rate. Today the rate is .56NZ to the pound, so NZ$64.29 for LFS. The US $ however is .81US to the pound, so US$44 for LFS.

I admire the attempt to 'even out' prices but there are still issues with this system.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Bit like the sun rising in the morning really.

I do question some of the Pacific prices, ie Tokelau is full price but Samoa is discounted ???
And Pitcain is full price ????

Maybe a bit of fine tuning may still be needed, let me know if you need help with regional geography. Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
But why are we having these conversations on the 'OFFICIAL FORUM.'

Yes, games are pirated but I think this forum should focus on the conversation of 'LICENSED MEMBERS', that is people who actually care enough about what Scrawen, Victor, Eric, are doing to actually give them money as compensation for the work they do.

If you want to pirate a game, get the phuq out of the 'OFFICIAL FORUM' and keep your opinions to yourself.

There is a conversation going on about 'abandonware' regarding RBR in a seperate thread, but I didn't think that LFS had reached that as there was still development going on.

Please let me know if LFS has reached that stage....

If it hasn't, lets focus on development yet to come, where S3 may go, etc.

And just ban people who support piracy please....

Happy 2017 all. Na-na
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Ok - Very quick test, this is interesting Smile

Lancia Delta S4 on stage 1 greece.
Identical car setup
I did need to change the FFB settings down a bit for RFPE.

First test was with RFPE 0.4
RFPE - feels like driving on gravel, look at the loud pedal, wheelspin...
modulate throttle, feels like a car on gravel. There is weight and pendulum effect. Flickable with practice, I need to do more work with FFB to set feel but a good start.

Stock Dirt....
Bugger.... I really liked this game but it feels like driving on tarmac, you can accelerate and it just grips. even on corners its like tarmac....

I suggest doing a clean install and giving this a try. I've only tried the Lancia but this feels better than RSRBR, and certainly looks better.
It's only a 4 meg download so give it a try.

Damn, a 4 day holiday, I wonder what I'll do !!!!!
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Looks good, I'll give it a test thanks Smile
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Sigh, ten seconds of asking Herr Google gives me this.......

Try it in your country......................
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :Well she died at such a young age, from a heart attack and already had heart problems. It's pretty obvious here drug usage from her early days finally caught up with her.

As she herself said, she was bipolar, had abused cocaine and lsd when she was younger, but probably the real damage was caused by the legal drugs the Dr's put you on to 'fix' bipolar.

The real shame is her Mom, Debbie Reynolds, passing away 1 day later.......

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

If you must pirate a game, coming to the games official forum and boasting about will not get a good response.
Trying to justify pirating it will not get a good response.
Complaining about the game will not get a good response.

So stop complaining about getting abuse on this forum for your admitted behaviour.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
lolz Smile

Edit: It was.....

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Ummmm, maybe - right click; "search google for image" ?

My new ladies body double.

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
You are looking for specific information on two topics.

A: I don't cruise so I have no idea.
B: I have no idea what you are talking about regarding a 'shop'.

It's not that people don't try to help, it just may be that no one has the specific information you are looking for.

You have had some response over the 'shop' question, try to pm those who replied, they may just not be on the forum a lot.

I know that this isn't a very helpful reply but I really can't help with your topics.

Have a great New Year anyway.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Quote from Shirtkicker :I can't believe this thread is still going - there is no way to justify cracked servers without that person making themselves sound like a self-entitled elitist. If you can't do it without insulting the intelligence of others, you can't do it.

That, and the fact that any discussion that encourages the perpetuation of piracy in any form is not allowed on this forum. Where the hell are the moderators in all this?

It seems to be the whole SJW fluster cluck that prevents Europeans from actually growing a pair.

It's interesting to read the Aussi/Kiwi opinions which are 100% agreed. This is despite the fact that online, this game has issues down here.
We still all have 0% agreement to game piracy.

Oh, sorry.... Clearly we can't hurt the pirates 'feelings' as they are entitled arseholes who's 'feelings' are far more important than anything else.......

Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Here you go you poor little scum who whine about paying for a game.

Go and join this community and phuq of from here.

You can even create your own car, so much more fun than the legal game.

Seeing as this forum has chosen to embrace hacking this game I just thought I might as well join in as otherwise we might create North Korea or something......
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Enough already.

Ban any **** who supports piracy of this game on the official games forum.

Hear that devs ?

We do not need this crap.

We, the people who have paid you and supported this game for over 10 years are not interested in hearing these brain dead arseholes whining on this forum about how their entitled little feelings are hurt.

Perm ban them and delete any posts supporting pirating or cracking this game on this forum please.